Newfoundland slang for being annoyed, pestered, irritated. Another way of saying "that gets on my nerves". Another way of saying "my patience is gone". It is also sometimes used as a response - instead of oh my gosh, no way, get outta here.
Conner: The cost of gasoline just went up again!
Betsy: Oh me nerves is gone!
by The Gewfie Newfie January 19, 2011
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Look it up on google, dearies.

It happens when one side/the affected limb, etc., can't take the bruises, bumps (the beating), anymore, and instead of pain going away, it keeps repeating itself. The result of numbness, tingling pain, stiffness, tremors (shaking of the limb), color changes in the skin, temerature changes in the affected limb, and more.

It can also cause insomnia, migranes, nausia, etc.

To cut it short:

A pain in the ass.
some guy 1:Hey, dude.
some guy 2:Yeah?
some guy 1:My RSD is flaring up, I have to go home
some guy 2:That stinks.
some guy 1:Like you'd know! Bastard.
by Pfft February 18, 2005
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Newfoundland slang for being annoyed, pestered, irritated. Another way of saying "that gets on my nerves". Another way of saying "my patience is gone". It is also sometimes used as a response - instead of oh my gosh, no way, get outta here.
Mary: How are you today Donna?
Donna: The youngesters are driving me crazy!
Mary: Why, are they being annoying?
Donna: Yes, me nerves is rubbed right raw!
Mary: oh me nerves oh me nerves is gone
by The Gewfie Newfie January 19, 2011
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When you’re nervous and excited at the same time.
Yeah I’m Nerve-cited
by Only1andrecia April 5, 2021
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A sudden and sharp sting traveling through parts of your body
I just had a nerve bite travel from the arch of my foot up to my ribs
by Big Gig May 26, 2019
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A migraine (or severe headache) caused by the intense pain of a bad or infected nerve in a toothe
All of a sudden I had a killer nerve-graine because of a tooth that I hadn’t seen a dentist yet, that needed to be looked at months ago!
by DomCeeDom September 30, 2021
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