Can you believe tn he tweaked out

- you usually send this to people named Cesar
by 100% accurate info! February 23, 2023
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That’s your average dude toe nail. He’s a cool guy who likes to send weird pictures to women. He’s in his mid to late 20’s usually and has a lot to say. Most of his sentences include the words “Mommy” and “Daddy”.
You: Aye, what’s happen TN?

Toe Nail: Nothing much man just hanging out like normal. Just started talking to another mommy, her current daddy is no match for me.
by kiloalreadyinuse December 24, 2021
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A Nike sneaker similar to Air Max’s known to be worn by eshays.
Oi bro chuck is your TN’s lad
by AU falc April 13, 2022
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TNS Defined as: People in Jamaica are up late often, and when asked if they are not going to bed, they say Team No Sleep, in other words meaning no not right now or we never sleep
by Riovanni November 5, 2023
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TNS stands for Trust No Soul. Instead of trustin all deze other peoples.
I dont bang no gang but i bang TNS. ORRRR ... I dont rep nun, but i rep TNS.!
by G3 November 21, 2021
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Toxic Nigga Syndrome. When your African American friend is just being toxic.
Friend 1: Dude have you been to the doctor lately?
Friend 2: No
Friend 1: You got a nasty case of TNS
by thekingmachine May 20, 2020
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