The little bitch boy backhand is a defence mechanism developed by the drunk Australian it destroys a lil bitch boys hopes and dreams with a single smack across the jaw

Timmy Please dad nooo, not the lil bitch boy backhand please nooooo
by Jenno the strayan cunt February 15, 2018
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A masturbation technique in which an individual wraps his non-dominant arm around the posterior side of his leg, and procechnique known as the backhand freaky freak one day when he was getting high to gay porn.eds to jaggin off frum da back.
Russell came to invent the technique known as the backhand freaky freak one day when he was getting high to gay porn.
by TheCathodeRays September 21, 2009
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A squatting position when one has both arms stretched around the back of the thighs, thumbs facing the person performing the S-D-B shasty.
The boys saw a great looking girl on the beach, he quickly reached down and performed a public Spanish double-backhander shasty.
by Cannot June 19, 2008
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While fucking a girl, bent over the bed, you pull out, run to the opposite wall, tag it, then run back as fast as you can. Attempt to reinsert your cock into the girl while at a full sprint. After that is acomplished, lean forward to allow your cock to fall out and slade across her back, plant your hand on the bed, then vault your body into a backhand spring, land on your feet and yell shazam!
"Wow i cant believe i pulled off a Running backhand slip n' slide!"
by ProElement July 29, 2009
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when someone gets to a high point like a table then gets ass naked and twirls in the air then proceed to land on the recipient's genitals. then rubs their body in virgin olive oil without getting off of said recipients genitals and finally chokes the person backhanded in auto-erotic asphyxiation to increase the pleasure of climax
Paul: Last night Suzie did a 360 double backhanded flying shweem to me.
Bill: That girl is crazy man
by Pee Pee N1GG45 August 26, 2018
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Someone who does all the work but is never given credit
Man your Dnd campain is so great but your BackHand scientist is the best i've ever seen
by The Mmmm effect December 23, 2020
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