A young Mary-sue who is a total klutz that even if she did die in the first book you wouldn’t be surprised.
She practically lives of Edwards hair, breath, nose, mouth, eyes, sparklieness, stupidity and anything else that turns her on slightly. She has no problem with Edward her fairy oh shit I mean vampire, coming into her bedroom each night and watching her sleep. He probably jacks off as well while doing it. In the very last book she is impregnated by Edward and is newly ‘gifted’ with a half human half vampire daughter named Renesme. She prances around as a vampire after giving birth to her newly freak of a daughter who will hook up with Bella’s BFF Jacob Black who weirdly enough is a werewolf who has a conflict with Edward.
Twihard 1: OME!!! bella swan does NOT deserve Edward! I do!!!!

Twihard 2: OMJ!!! I totally agree! Ungrateful Skank! I deserve Jacob and his hot abs!

*Twihards high five*
by vjhjcfldfhgkfbjglsdf March 16, 2010
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A stupid stuttering girl from the overly-adjective saga Twilight. She is overly obsessive and starts seeing hallucinations, jumps off of cliffs and busts her head open riding motorcycles JUST to see a dead person Edward.

Also she's a selfish little person who wants Jacob AND Edward.

Portrays necrophilia and bestiality.

Is said to be really average looking but a lot of guys like her, cannot dress to save her life and seems to be incredibly boring.
Edward Cullen: I'm leaving you

Bella Swan: B-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-ut w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-whhy?
by rjfghjsehgnr January 9, 2010
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guy who sneeks a peek at your genitals when pissing in public toilets
watch out for that guy, he's a total bog swan
by sausage360g September 12, 2010
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Verb: An act of clumsiness or stupidity.
I pulled a Bella Swan in Wal-Mart today, someones going to be doing their job
by betting--on--alice April 22, 2009
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Named one of the whitest neighborhoods in Maryland, swan point has a lot to offer. no need to worry about getting jumped by black gang bangers, or a shootout in your front yard, but don’t worry there’s tons of meth, heroin, and acid in these parts.
Hey jake wanna go shoot up heroin in swan point?
by balisticbubble5 August 26, 2019
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Street name for Ketamine, horse (and swan) tranquilliser. Term used primarily by those who are tripping their nuts off. side effects include being a general fuck up.
mum doesn't even know how much wonky swan he's had
by scrotdoctor September 16, 2010
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1. A character in Stephenie Meyer's Twilight

2. A pretty swan

3. A random act of clumsiness or stupidity
3. I pulled a Bella Swan today and accidentally went flying over the sofa.
by diddly oop November 2, 2006
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