To have diarrhea of the mouth and over post things to social media
Michael, don’t go sullying that information on social media
by Laxdad523 June 13, 2019
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Most often used as a unisex nickname, it is considered in particular sub-cultures within the anglosphere as being synonymous with the English slur "cunt". The word is found most commonly (and ironically) used as slang for "dude" or "pal" in Australia and New Zealand, however it is less commonly used as a form of insult in the UK, Canada, and even lesser so in the US.
"You ever hear anymore about that one git named Sullie?"

"The nonced cunt who trashed the pub last week?"

"Bit redundant but yeah."
by Unexpected-Meep July 15, 2022
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A paradox, where, if you experience a modified version of something for a long enough period of time, the original sounds completely wrong, compared to the modified version of it, like the Mike Wazowski meme, where he bears the face of his friend, Sullivan.

Mario pissing those notes - modified
Mario pissing (disowned) - original
- Jess has been listening to the remix of Gangsta's Paradise for so much time that the original sounds completely wrong to her!

- Must be the Sully-face paradox.
by some dummass August 21, 2020
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Saul cardenas the pimp is a soccer legend and he pulls mad hoes and hes the sully wully master
by Sully WUoly September 22, 2020
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Verb, to grossly over-exaggerate. Usually this is with a fact or experience. To properly pull a sully, you must always reference a certain website or source, which can never be found at a later time. This practice is extremely annoying.
Guy 1: Have you heard about the new Audi Q 5? It's diesel gets 81MPG! I heard ti on the Audi website!
Guy 2: I don't think so. Let's check that website.
(Website says it gets 25 MPG)
Guy 1: I could have sworn it said 81! I must have read it somewhere else!
Guy 2: Shut up. Don't pull a Sully on me.
by Rapasm June 21, 2009
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Choi Sulli, the girl that this world doesn't deserve, and yet she stayed for a while and showed us how kind, caring, beautiful, and supportive she is. She's one of the greatest angels God has ever had by his side, she sent her down to earth to show everyone what love is. Unfortunately, the sweet angel missed her home, thus she chose to come back home- heaven.
Choi sulli? Ah yes... she likes peaches
by Potatobias November 23, 2021
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When a male friend decides he decides to poop on your party by not partaking in beverage consumption.
Friend 1 - My vag hurts and I dont want to drink
by DickSmash McIroncawk May 31, 2012
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