A phrase meaning, " despite all the surprises that life may throw at you, don't despair or lose hope"
by Sexydimma April 7, 2017
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A phrase meaning ".despite all the surprises life may throw at you, there's still hope"
by Sexydimma April 8, 2017
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When your group comes up with the best unspeakable sex act if the week but it falls short when it is not defined by person the group relied upon. #nevergofulltim, #notmytim, #impeachtim,

The act of traveling highway speeds while getting a blow job by a 70+year old, dentures out.
Timmy's grandma gave me the ole crocheted steering wheel cover on the way over to the house.
by Jethro bo dean August 16, 2023
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Cutting a hole in an onion and farting inside of it
Yo you hear that Becki chick pork steered at the party last night?
by J Dahmer November 21, 2022
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A carpel-tunnel like disability that is caused after driving for a long amount of time with your hands tightly gripping the wheel.
I've been driving for like 19 hours now and my hands hurt, I think I'm getting steering knuckle.
by Merferker October 10, 2011
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The act of training an AI to respond the way you want it to by adjusting its settings, algorithms and data.
The developer had to steer the AI to give the right answers.
The team had to steer the chatbot to give the response they wanted.
by MJamesM January 18, 2023
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