a home , batty boy , stink dinker , punter or over all ass pounding chump.
"they guy in the pink shirt with the emo hair cut and tight pants is a tool squeezer"
by bonegigger January 27, 2006
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The ball squeezer is a male genital torcher device where the two balls are placed inside the small pocket and crushed by a object identical to a lime squeezer the hand pushes the two lever like handles push together to crush and demolish the ballsack - .anomaly_x
"Mark if you dont shut up i will put your balls in the ball squeezer"
by .anomaly_x July 22, 2020
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Someone who takes pleasure in squeezing dicks. They may be so infatuated with it, that it takes over their whole life. Whoever has a dick they wanna squeeze it.
Brian: "I don't know what it is, I can't stop grabbing dicks. Can I grab yours?"

Trever: "Fuck no, get away from my cock you Dick Squeezer!"
by Kezzezz February 29, 2008
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The act of squeezing your weiner from the base to the tip.
As he sat in the chair across the table from me I knew he was a weiner squeezer when he couldn't keep his fingers from squeezing his penis from one end to the other repeatedly.
by D & A December 16, 2005
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It means to squeeze the head of the dick. But really people call each other it referring them as gay.
"Dude did you hear cory is a dick squeezer!?"
"holy fuck hes gay!"
by not jenn. April 20, 2009
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Someone who likes to fuck short fat bitches. Pig Squeezer.

Other terms being -

Pig Squeezers
Pidgeon Toucher
Otter basher
Seal clouber
Lee: I was trebucheting squirrels across then field when I saw that big gunty milk lady outside, I totally chased her down and fucked her.

Matt and Glen: dude you're totally a pig squeezer, bants haha
by PerryGlen July 12, 2017
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that doctor dude who asks you to lower your trousers as he caresses your nugget pouch and asks you to cough.
Following my vasectomy, ol' Ebenezer Ball Squeezer couldn't believe the size of my left testicle, as it had ballooned to the size of a fuckin' grapefruit! No coughing on that day.
by weave August 23, 2003