An insult often associated with cheaters and whores due to Reno, Nevada’s reputation. An insult most commonly used in the Mid-West
Reno cheated on his girlfriend with a horse girl by jerking off to her texts in the school bathroom.
by Idkdkdhhaj01 October 3, 2021
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by regust November 23, 2021
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1 City located in the state of Nevada. Approximately 400 miles from Las Vegas. Lacks the palm trees and warm weather. Snow is common as the elevation is 4400 feet above sea level. Known for having dirty cheap casinos intermingled with old brick houses. Major drug and crime issue.
2 The male name equivalent of the female name Brooklyn. Why people have such strong desires to name their kids after slimy project-like cities I will never know…
1 (let’s go Reno, go skiing, inhale some second hand smoke, and burn some trash in a 55 gallon drum…

2 (guy one) why the fuck did your parents name you after a disgusting city?

( guy two) they named my sister Brooklyn so they wanted to go all out on the ghetto naming scheme…
by Biden is a dick December 23, 2021
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A raised, red rash on one's genital region, either malignant or benign, symptomatic of a sexually transmitted infection that is currently unknown to medical science.

Commonly contracted after having engaged in sexual congress with a resident of--or while oneself a resident of--Reno, Nevada.
"I was in the shower this morning and I noticed that I've got these weird bumps on my dick."
"Dude! You got the Reno Bumps?"
"What's that?"
"Nobody knows. Probably from that fat chick who got you wasted and took you home the other night!"
by El Ranchero Sucio January 11, 2013
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When you nut in a comdom and put it in the freezer with a stick in Reno and give it to your girl 2 hours later as a nice treat
"My man gave me this reno popsicle earlier swear it taste like cum"
by 123456772)sh August 13, 2017
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Dusti reno is the perfect definition of a chodette.
Dusti Reno, stop kicking my dog!! You are such a chodette
by dusti's pimp April 29, 2009
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