A small town in Pennsylvania, where no one likes the mayor. The place to be is J&Js. Yuck yuck is a local legend. All the girls have bleach blonde hair thats been died five times or more and wear too much eyeliner. Whenever anyone calls 911 theres four cop cars, two ambulances and a swat team. You know that "West is the Best, East is the Least, and Central has Potential." . Your parents sign papers that allow the school to give you drugs so you don't get cancer if TMI burns down. People take the day off school for opening day of hershey park. Cona Cabana is the place for ice cream. Everyone knows everyone.
OMG! did you hear about that girl from Middletown, Pennsylvania?
by FridaLivery August 15, 2008
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The act of spitting sunflower seeds into a bottle, then emptying the bottle into your partner's anus, and having your partner fart the seeds out, like a shotgun.
"I gave my girlfriend the Pennsylvania Birdshot last night"
by Aakcir August 27, 2019
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Hey, you ever been to Sharon Pennsylvania?
Yeah it sucked.
by TheHeavyOne April 21, 2011
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1. An excellent Ivy League university located in West Philadelphia. Best known for its prestigious business school, Wharton. Often mistaken with Penn State.

See Penn or UPenn.
John: Did you hear where they are treating that injured racehorse, Barbaro?

Jack: Yeah, at the University of Pennsylvania. I thought it was just a business school.
by sampaw July 21, 2006
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A decent looking town supported by a coal mine and a respectable college called Waynesburg college. However the county its in is the inbred, hick epicenter of the nation.
I plan on visiting some friends in waynesburg soon.
by ryan December 20, 2004
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Washington Pennsylvania, home of Washington and Jefferson college or W&J. You can tell there used to be money here due to the big old houses. However the money has mostly drained away. Replacing the money and the wealthy is whores, crack ,heroin and its junkies and the primarily dark skinned gangster type drug dealers. It has a very diverse population of rednecks/white trash in their trailors, ghetto people, college kids and blue collar guys. It has recently had an influx of natural gas wells and workers making the rent there way higher than it should be. It has a really cool historical haunted hotel there though. Also due to the drugs ever so prevalent there and in the region there is a whole bunch of rehabs and halfways houses. On sundays there is nothing opened, if you want anything besides fast food, convenience stores and the local grocery store forget about it. Also if you drive through watch out for deer.
by jdog 4128 January 4, 2016
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A small hick town in southwestern Pennsylvania where everyone thinks that they are either professional athletes or rap on SoundCloud. All the old people claim it was a great town when they were kids, but they all have Alzheimer's from breathing soot from the coal ovens. The majority of 14 year olds are either smoker, knocked up or in a gang. Thely town where you can get blasted off coke with your uncle on a lawnmower. The cops are dicks, there is nothing to do, and if you think Mount Pleasant, Pennsylvania has trashy teenagers, come down the road to good old Scumdale and see for yourself.
Friend: Man I feel like I wanna drag race by Sheetz in Scottdale, Pennsylvania.
Me: Oh no you don't, nobody wants to get stopped by a Scottdale cop.
by PersonYouKnow005 April 5, 2018
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