A US state in which the foothills of Appalachia meet the plains of the Midwest. It is here that the Bible Belt begins, although a strong concentration of Liberals still predominate along the coastline of Lake Erie and especially in the Cleveland area. Other highlights include Columbus, Sandusky, Ohio River Valley, etc.
I did not raise you to accept the Lord as thy saviour in Ohio. Move to Florida instead.
by Terramax721 January 3, 2004
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Ohio is the place where the devil was born and if anything bad happens it probably originated from Ohio
Yk jeffery dahmer started killing after he willingly went to Ohio
by rekstna October 11, 2022
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A place where even Satan thinks is too scary
by Jesus Conde November 8, 2022
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A state that isn't very big, not a lot of fun. Unless, you have family in Ohio, most people don't go on vacation to Ohio. Ohio isn't very fun, there are only like a few things to do in Ohio. The funnest thing is probably King's Island. :)

I have family in Ohio. :P
Example 1:
Sarah: Where are you going for summer vacation?
Riley: Not Ohio, that's for sure. I'm going to Florida.

Sarah: Lucky you. My parents are making me go to Ohio to visit my cousins. :(

Example 2:

Alexandria: OMG! My mom is making me move to Ohio! The only good thing about that is going to King's Island, I hear it's really fun!

Ella: Wow. Maybe I can come visit you and we can go together, have fun! I'll miss you. :)
by MYPSEUDONYM101 August 2, 2012
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