A derogatory term applied to Jews with the last name Greenberg.

Origin: uncertain, but possibly out of a ruese morton's ass. Polish??? Ruese appeared in present form combined with morton. Morton was once a popular baby name, now it's gay.
Ben Stiller is playing a ruese morton in the upcoming comedy "Greenberg".
by callmemrpurpose February 23, 2010
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a skank who will message your man knowing your in a relationship and pregnant. She also sends nudes. A truly disgusting girl who craves attention from any guy who will give her a made up compliment. Body is a 1/10 face is a -5/10
Don’t trust that girl Audrey Morton, she will send your man nudes for 3 years being a side hoe.
by dontcareabit April 14, 2023
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The act of anally inserting a toothbrush before turning it on to replicate a vibrating sex toy. Can be implemented during sex for maximum pleasure, or masturbation on limited resources
"So we're in the bathroom, fucking over the sink and I gave her the ol Morton special and she was loving it"
by Steviebillwilliams January 7, 2018
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normally seen at a super seshers gaff,tanning balloons and scranning mdma
oi look its megan morton on the floor flopping it
by freddiekougar3038 November 14, 2019
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Very shrexy and shmexy, he is friends with Benny, Kushal, Owsausharlie Humarliozzi, Owen and James
James Morton eats the bilbo baggins
by Pulsarnova September 20, 2022
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Gavin is super nice but can be a little to serious with his work and cares to much about his fake gf
Man he’s such a Gavin Morton
by Funny man jeff November 7, 2019
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