A aphrodisiac from the South Pacific, reknown for it's rejuvenating qualities. Also slang for "love god"
by kiwichris September 29, 2009
by Owen Holton March 28, 2007
A long-haired paedophile who seeks enjoyment from creeping on young girls and/or boys. He enjoys shouting his own name, and using this name in any (literally ANY) situation.
Ben: Have you seen that new kid at college?
Morton: No is he a Morton? He better not be Mortoning my Morton or else I'll Morton him.
Morton: No is he a Morton? He better not be Mortoning my Morton or else I'll Morton him.
by BenRalphyReeve June 16, 2011
another word for someone who is being salty, named after morton salt, originated in south jersey, where people are not guidos.
by jimmy gunz609 June 13, 2010
A "Morton" is a common auto-text correction for "Moron" if misspelled. Particularly ironic when the person calling another a "Moron" fails to recognize the error and looks like a "Moron" themselves.
CJ: "You are such a Morton!"
CJ : "Oh Sh*t*...I mean moron! lol"
Shel : "Riiiight...right back at you babe..lol"
CJ : "Oh Sh*t*...I mean moron! lol"
Shel : "Riiiight...right back at you babe..lol"
by OpaqueInsight January 27, 2019
by JoeMan505 February 25, 2020