Some thrashy hick wannabe singer who woundnt know a tune if it punched her in those misquito bite tities. Also, she only popular for ONE song. (Best of both worlds)
Dude 1: Dude i love miley cyrus!

Dude 2: you mean the hillbilly one hit wonder?

Dude 1: yeah shes great.
Dude 2: .....

Dude 2 pulls out magnum 500 and empties it into dude 1
by klan killer August 17, 2009
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1. A mind-raping future prostitute with NO talent, NO drug problem *coughs*, and NO real fans. Her singing consists of yelling, brainwashing young girls (and boys?), and lyrics about herself whoring with guys. Do you REALLY like to listen to her music? Then she must have mind-raped you in the ass.

2. A "singing," slutty drag queen (A.K.A. Hannah Montana) who banged the AIDS monkey and spread it to everyone.
Guy: Hey Miley, you wanna bang my orangutan?
Miley: Yeah! Then I'll sing about it so Disney can rape those kids!!
*goes to room*
Guy: Holy Sh-it! You're a man!
Miley: I'm not Miley Cyrus or a man, I'm Bono
*runs away from her boner*
by What-A-Twist September 9, 2009
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Miley Cyrus is AHHHHH!!!! That bitch is ugly. Her smile makes my eyes burn and her face looks like an infected vagina(blue waffle. Miley Cyrus is an anorexic bitch who gets fucked in the ass every night by her father Billy Ray Cyrus. She works for Disney and sells her body for fifteen cents and on Sundays for one dollar. She also makes scat videos for Children.
Miley Cyrus is a skeleton, children should not watch her.
by Hater 2010 July 5, 2010
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A slut, whore. Who tries to act like she's 21, when she's only 16. Tries to be two different types of fakes, Sleeps with any guy she can get her hands on, tries to make publicity everyday then cries about it the next day, Sings songs about herself, wishing she was someone else, making young girls believe you can be three different people.
everyones hater!Miley Cyrus
by Razingblades October 12, 2009
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Little Girl: Mommy i Miley Cyrus in the toilet
Mom: Flush 10 times honey

Little Girl: Okay Mommy
*girl flushes 10 times*
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A totally fake bitch that is on tv all the time for her shitty music and tv show.Eventually,she is gonna end up like Britney Spears, full of cocaine and sucking dicks every day.She is an attention whore and her voice always sounds like she has a cold.If Billy Ray Cyrus didn't exist,she would be a worthless bitch.
Joe: I don't feel so good.
Donald: What's wrong?
Joe: I have a cold.
Donald: That's the Miley Cyrus sickness.
by maulaluga33 October 22, 2009
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A slutty bitch who doesn't know that she has younger fans watching her. She goes pole dancing, humps her dancer, wheres push-up bras and shirts that show her boob.

If you a Niley fan well then you should know that Miley was the one that ruined the relationship by kissing some other pervert. Now she is dating Liam. Liam only wants more fame and is dating Miley Cyrus. He was kissing her in Paris and there where paparazzi around.

If you are a Miley Lover then your a Miley wanna be.
Mommy I changed my mind, I don't wanna be a Miley Cyrus when I grow up! *smiles*
by MusicxLaughx December 27, 2010
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