A beautiful girl that is loved by everybody. she is a mermaid with long gorgeous hair.
by 12343210987890 January 10, 2012
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To be in a state of total drunkness. One can not exceed the level of libbied, it is the stage of passing out from one's drinking.
I got absolutely libbied on the vodka
by DolansArrival September 2, 2017
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1. The name "Libbis" is often used as a nickname for beautiful young women with blonde hair and blue eyes from Minnesota. It is also a common term used from grandmothers to describe their granddaughters.

2. Libbis is also used as a substitute for the name elizabeth.
Example: She was extremely Libbis... (she had blue eyes, blonde hair, and she was from Minnesota).
What a libbis!

How libbis is she?
Is she libbis?
by Nicken Chuggets November 8, 2010
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A term given to college students, who couldn't "cut it" in their desired majors and switched to liberal arts (AKA: Libby's)
Bill: Hey dude, I haven't seen that blonde girl Brittney in the library recently, what's up with that? She was hot.

George: Yeah bro, she doesn't spend five hours a day in there anymore studying Microbiology because she couldn't handle it anymore, she's one of the Libby's now.
by Gingabreadman186 May 6, 2009
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libby is short and is a caring and loving person. She hates it when people call her lib and has dark brown hair. She talks to a lot of boys and is very popular but will lose her popularity soon before she knows it. However she will always have amazing friends.
by lib roalfe December 16, 2015
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It’s just libbie, you’ll get used to it.
*punches water bottle across room out of nowhere*
“Listen it’s just how libbie is you get used to it.
by Doobie scoo June 14, 2019
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