An insult said by General Tozen of the Samurai Faction in For Honor during the attack made by the Vikings in an attempt to reach the city of Koto.

The insult was directed towards the Raider, stating he is “Legendary!” although he/she is not legendary at all and is just a common Raider.
Person 1: You’re so trash, you’re just a Pikeman main!
Person 2: And you are a raider, legendary!
by One Karma Boi April 29, 2019
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A fail so bad that surpasses master fail. If you have done a Ultimate legendary fail, you are probably dead, Or you need to be since someone with this kind of failure is a shame to all mankind and the universe.
Person 1: HAHA I can own you in any game

1.5 seconds later

Person 2: Ultimate Legendary Fail I beated u 999-0

Person 1: *commits suicide*
by LOLOLOL xD LOL April 14, 2010
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One of the craziest bands you will ever hear. The Acid rock od Rockabilly.
Person 1:Legendary Shack Shakers are a very cool band
Person 2:yes im on acid
by Davey April 4, 2005
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Something that was really good until it got to a couple seasons *cough, cough, 7-8*that made it go down hill and made me cry till 3 a.m. and disappointed many people. But, personally, me and some of my friends liked it.
Voltron Legendary Defender ? Oh, that show? Oof
Voltron Legendary Defender ? Oh no no no.
Voltron Legendary Defender ? That show made me cry till 3 a.m
Voltron Legendary Defender is a great show, well, untill season 7-8.
Voltron Legendary Defender is a remake of Voltron
by Just_another_smol_bean March 1, 2019
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The annihilation of a country with only 100 super bad-asses taking on 100,000 to 1.5 million people in only 3 days time. Make no mistake about this. The wake of death and destruction would be so devastating that it would take many years for said country to rebuild. That's only if those left alive at that time are still sane enough to do so.
by Ornery Gorrilla January 28, 2015
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Definition - The rare occurrence of a male having a second full orgasm seconds after having the first one while in intercourse or oral sex.

Discovered in 1903 by American scientist studying how sex affects the body. The occurrences is very rare, only 1 out of a million can achieve it. Believed to be genetic.
Guy 1 - I was banging Morgan last night, and after I nutted I had a second one right after that was even bigger and better!

Guy 2 - Dude you achieved the Legendary Second Nut !
by chiggins_5 January 23, 2017
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