Hanis is a genuine and kind guy who is always in the lookout for the people he loves. A super reliable, trustworthy and lovable person. There are rare people like him, so if you do find a Hanis in your life, do not let go. He always goes the extra mile to make others happy. Its a joy to have Hanis around and when he isn't there you will miss him badly. He is always helpful and teaches you how to care for others. Has a great sense of humour and it will be a bonus if you vibe with him. All in all, not everyone gets a Hanis in their life, if you do, do not let go!! Emphasis on this!!
Hanis is a handsome and caring person
by yozomot November 22, 2021
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hani is a blob, a good blob. Sana is a good blob too.
by hsaNA November 20, 2021
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An amazing male, usually sweet and smart. Is a predator against Shahroz, aswell as people with names starting with an "S" and an "H". Hani, is also. You may regret losing a friend like Hani.
by benzoid January 17, 2023
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A really handsome boy who pulls all the ladies
Damn I really wanna be a hani
by sheeeshimcute October 21, 2020
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A girl who usually rejects people and plays with their feelings. They often use people and ruin their lives
Hani cheated on Hassaan and played with his feelings
by Jeio November 23, 2021
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The type of guy (he may be a clown) that makes excuses when his friends want to go out
Friends: Hey Hani you coming to Abdullas house?
Hani: Yeah Im coming 100000% percent
Next day...

Friends: Hey man where are you?
Hani: Oh sorry guys I cant come its my cats birthday.
by Mother-Hubbard October 8, 2020
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An ass of a guy who only thinks of him self
Omg that’s hani the guy that didn’t wanna date someone and now is dating thier family friend😀
by Shootme June 11, 2021
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