The game where degenerates and people alike go to lose money or waste time. AKA: The no Bitches game
Person 1: Guys im sorry but im gonna grind on genshin impact.
Person 2: Sure go play the no bitches game
Person 3: Man we where having such a great time why must u go play the no bitches game
by Untitled_titled March 2, 2022
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An individual who plays the game "Genshin Impact". They are typically without a father figure, and typically go to jail once they find a girlfriend.s
A: Hello, I like to play Genshin Impact
B: ah, a Genshin Impact enjoyer, so you must be a cultured, fatherless pedophile, I see. Very based
by Samueliscool223 December 30, 2022
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A huge huge fat ass who weighs 500 pounds and always uses the girl avatar because he thinks she is hot and wants to be dominated by her. If he heres anyone make fun of the game he will run at them only to fall 0.000000001 seconds after strasting because he is a fat fuck and after falling he sstarts an earthquake.
Nikita is a huge Genshin Impact player
by werekid March 9, 2023
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People who need to touch grass. Inhale grass, live with the grass.
Person 1: Did you see the new banner that came out for Hu Tao in Genshin?!?!?!
Person 2: welp I guess i'm not eating for the week
Person 3: Genshin Impact players really need to touch grass, please inhale it
by heymanouranallstarshrek September 30, 2021
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First of all a Genshin Impact Fan is someone who loves playing this MMORPG game called Genshin Impact,its got edgy/trap boys, anime women and children with the personality of a rock with boring gameplay, basically the perfect recipe to attract these low lives as long as they get something to drool at. Great graphics tho.

Just so you know what to expect if you meet one of them:

Theyre a bunch of one dimensional personality, basement dwelling, no pussy getting losers. They rub their meat to children and are most of the time below the age of 18 themselves. Gets bullied in school for obvious reasons. Probably cry themselves looking at people who actually have better things to do than them. Will do anything to get a slight crumb of pussy. Most of them do watch yaoi (gay anime).If you meet one of them in real life, steer clear of them, they will drag you down to their level until it is too late. This is not an exaggeration.
genshin impact fans :OMG I JUST GOT A 5 STAR (insert character name), HE DOES SO MUCH DAMAGE AND HES HOT.
by chiccydog August 22, 2021
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A person that plays the game Genshin impact. In other words, a person that hasn’t showered in 5 months and is a hoyoverse dickrider that doesnt care about the lack of melanin. 40 year old pedophile, or 13 year old addict that thinks childe jokes are funny. No in between.
A: “Look at that genshin impact player over there.. They’re licking the screen..”
B: ”it smells kinda bad too. I don’t know if its the dog or that person’s ass.”
by skidaddle123 September 19, 2022
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