1. To be in the honeymoon phase of a courtship or relationship; when a couple is engaged in public displays of affection and/or being anti-social by only paying attention to one another during a social outting with a group of friends. 2. When a guy or a girl chooses to spend time with a love interest over their friends. However, this term is more commonly used to describe men who become MIA (missing in action) after getting with a girl or getting into a relationship.
1. Joe: "Let's all take a shot together!"
Mike: "All the boys are here except for Steve!"
Joe: "Yo Steve you better get over here and stop cupcaking it with your woman in the corner!"

2. Mike: "Where your boy Steve at tonight? I never see him anymore."
Joe: "He's been hella cupcaking it with this one chick lately, so I never see him anymore either."
Mike: "Lame."
by trashpanther April 8, 2009
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someone who is cutesy and flirty with everyone, male or female.

see: cupcaking
i know this girl, shes a total cupcaker.
by c-raee October 14, 2007
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leaving a large group of your male friends, to go to another room and talk for prolonged periods of time with a girlfriend or girl you are interested in.
Carl - "JJ's been cupcaking for like 2 hours now."
Alex - "ohwell, lets play some more guitar-hero"
by Alex McClure October 16, 2007
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A fan fiction story featuring the My Little Ponies: Friendship Is Magic ponies written by Sergeant Sprinkles. I thought it was kinda funny but most people think it's fucked up.
The Cupcakes story is on Google Documents if anyone wants to read it.
by YesterdayISawABabyPig July 18, 2011
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Constantly kissing and being all over someone in public places
The girl is always cupcaking with her man in the hallway
by Christina February 20, 2005
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In sports, especially college football, a very weak opponent.
Guy A: "Dude, did you see Ohio State is 3-0?!"
Guy B: "Yeah, but that's only cause they beat Ohio, Toledo and Southwestern Hawaii State. Three total cupcakes."
by Red001 September 17, 2011
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when someone cups their hand over their ass when they fart and throw the now handheld fart in your face
" yo shut up or ill cupcake you!"
"lol, dude johnny is asleep. should i cupcake him"
by chunxx December 10, 2008
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