Courtney: A beautiful woman, loving mom, funny friend and has a fashion show style. She is a XBOX expert. Can beat you at any game of Call of Duty.
Dany Courtney is so good at XBOX no one could beat her.
by Shesasweetheart February 24, 2018
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Someone who likes to sing and dance around like a complete looser! but shes funny and makes everyone laugh. Everytime she says something funny, she has to write it down so that she doesn't forget it and so that she can put it on facebook as soon as she gets home. She has a fairly sick mind ;) and worries over nothing!
by Sheridan Jeffkins October 13, 2010
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A very sweet compasionate young woman ready to help anyone out when in need. She typically worries a lot but can be calmed from her worries by a few simple words. She relies on God and always chooses to do the right thing. She also typically has beautiful hair & sparkling eyes. Courtney is very smart and loves to watch movies. Movie quotes are her favorite. Don't ever play trivia with a Courtney if you don't want to lose!
A beautiful blue-eyed girl named Courtney reminded me what life was all about today! She is your friend!
by Benderdundat February 4, 2010
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Coming from Curtis.
Family Buchanan.
Often used amongst royal families to name a girl after kindness to all.
Able to share what the world feels.
not afraid of the suffering and diseased and often naming over the poor, selfliss, and disobediant.
can delete harm.
Seeks justice for valuables.
Courtney told her it was okay, the damage is done, there comes a brighter day.
by europopian April 24, 2009
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One cool girl. Beautiful and bubbly, cute and charming, and a total catch.. She's a beautiful brunette and a knock out blonde. She likes to think that her eyes are akin to glaciers, but surely everyone knows that already... (she's kind of a big deal). She probably reads a lot of cool books and surely likes awesome shows like Lost. She probably says confusing things like "murrr" or"eeeee", but if you get confused you can always check urban dictionary. A girl who likes to adddddd letterssss to words but makes it totally adorable. She probably likes concerts, but oh well. You'll probably like her regardless. All in all she's bound to be pretty perfect for any guy.
Oblivious Bro: "Omggggg, who is that!!!?"

Bro "in the know": "Man, how do you not know? That's Courtney, dog. Duhhhh.."
by Bro "in the know" May 18, 2012
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A chick that likes to have fun. Is easy going and never says a mean word about anyone. Firecracker. Loves to be outside. Loves to be loved. Loves hanging with friends. Very dependable. Wild in bed. You can't get enough of her.
I hung out with an awesome Courtney last night.
by Arecinos February 3, 2010
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A writer of stream of consciousness literature. A Courtney is the queen or king of non sequitur. Courtney is destined to go far in life while taking a circuitous route. Those spending time with Courtney will find someone who is loyal and caring, with frequent bouts of spontaneity.
Have you ever read a story that was so random! It was totally Courtney!

It was so Courtney that it gave me whiplash!

What a Courtney! I didn't see that coming!
by DuskyDusky February 28, 2011
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