Saying goodbye to everyone and desperately trying to leave, but being tripped on the way out, having your drink spiked, tires punctured, and car keys taken.
The Remainer elite (a.k.a. sore losers) is holding the country to ransom. It is blocking a democratic election as it conspires with EU officials to force through another Brexiting delay!
by Ds. AR October 30, 2019
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When you take a shit later in the day but it smells like what you ate for breakfast.
I just took a huge brexit and it smelled of hash-browns.
by ChronicBrexiter June 24, 2016
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When you enter a restaurant but change your mind and leave right away.
I went in to get food but then was like "Whoah not with that line" and totally brexited. I didn't need that burger anyway.
by jtavulean June 25, 2016
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going abroad from Britain for a holiday
me and the gang are brexiting to Zante next year”
by baby69girl August 6, 2019
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Announcing that your are leaving, but actually staying.
Theresa is at the party, brexiting near the fridge for over an hour now.
by Sattopboj October 23, 2019
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