Someone who believes anything said on fox news, no matter how blatantly absurd, ludicrous, insane, stupid or eventually discredited it eventually becomes.
My pal John is a great guy mostly, but he's such a foxygen breather he still believes in the "death panel" bullshit about healthcare reform.
by professor tanhauser July 30, 2011
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Someone incapable of breathing out their nose because their mouth is always yapping. They can often be seen in forums where they're assumed to be clever. However, assumptions usually land you in jail.
Kia salespeople=everybody at Kia, involved with Kia or even knows about Kia is a mouth-breather.
by am_rockstar December 22, 2005
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when someone's breath is so terrible it smells like a fart

can also be used for someone who constantly talks nonsense or non-believable stories. Also know as a sh*t talker
That girl last night was a serious bum breather, I almost puked when she talked to me.

All he does is bum breathe, you can't believe any he says
by slash182 January 31, 2011
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Someone who purposely attempts evoking "Darth Breather" in order to be recognized as one.

Breathing loudly hoping to get someone to call them "darth breather" (which means: someone who breathes deeply like darth vader) becuase they are completely obsessed with Star Wars, and absoloutly love it when someone makes a Star Wars reference especially when THEY are involved in the reference.

the LS refers to Luke Skywalker from Star Wars, also generally people named Luke love Starwars.

Lewis: Damn Luke you sound like darth breather.


James(recognizing Luke's LOVE for SW): Nahh he's just an LS breather and get that tiolet-paper-roll-cardboard-lightsaber out of your mouth Luke.

Eric: sounded luke a vaccum to me anyway.
by homeboiz November 23, 2010
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a fire breather is when the guy punches whoever is sucking their dick in the face, then making them go back to sucking the dick.... while sucking the blood goes into their mouth and when the guy cums it mixes with the blood, when they spit it looks like they're a dragon.
Nell was always rumored by the jocks to be a messy little fire breather.
by Faith81087 December 20, 2006
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The act of farting into someone's mouth through a snorkel inserted in your anus.
Matt finally convinced Ashley to accept a Boston buddy breather on their Carribbean honeymoon.
by HBPC February 5, 2014
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