A group of girls going to a catholic church on a Sunday to do kinky anal things with balloons.
"Hey, Kathy and the girls totally did a Sunday anal blimp the other day"
by Dirty Percy May 6, 2016
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The meeting of Dum and Dummer at the Summit
The Simp (Kim Jung Un) and the Blimp (Donald Trump) met in Singapore for coffee , ergo the Simp and the Blimp
by tirtle June 12, 2018
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A marijuana cigarette, a joint that has then rolled thin on the ends and very plump in the center, burns fast till it gets to the center. Popular throughout the state of New York and the country as well, mostly rolled by Old-Timers or people that are just in a hurry to smoke, no skill is required to roll a New York Blimp
Whilst in the city, ran across a retired NYPD officer, sat down on a bunch he asked if I wanted to smoke, he pulled out a "New York Blimp" and it was time to spark it up
by FrankW May 18, 2022
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