A couple orders an Uber/Lyft from home and once the app confirms the time until arrival; that is how long you have to have sex with each other, orgasm and clean up before the Uber calls/messages that it has arrived. (Everyone wins, including the Uber/Lyft driver who gets two very happy riders)
I’m about to order a ride; you down for an Uber quickie?!
by Epic Ridge January 3, 2019
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1.When you have a lot of stuff to do however you want to check your facebook quickly, often times in anticipation of an important message

2. an excuse to get away from annoying people on facebook chat without seeming too douchy
ex. 1
I know i need to study for the biology exam but im expecting a facebook message from my crush.... i think ill make a facebook quickie

ex. 2

person a. hey man (blah blah blah) and so what do think?

person b. gee man i would LOVE to talk but i got to go, sorry this was just supposed to be a facebook quickie,
by every1rocks555 October 4, 2010
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When you have sex with someone while riding on the forks of ride-along pallet jack.
"Franklin keeps bringing his girlfriend in for a picky quicky on Rods ride."
by ArsenicPlatinum February 17, 2023
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A blowjob done in less than five minuets, and before the man hits ejaculation. Not finishing either caused by a poorly done blowjob or an interruption. Still good for the guy, but may be disappointing.
Damn, it sucked that my girl didn't get to finish and had to give me a quickie blowjob
by jdgialejrfawerf January 2, 2011
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when you stop a land vehicle for a quick blow job from a Prostitute/escort/hoe/whore.
damn look over there! lemme go for a quick truckstop quickie man, that hoe lush asf!
by Vietnamayonnaise July 21, 2015
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A rebellious, emo shyguy with fairy wings and a wand who likes screamo and killing people.
That Quickie-la sure is evil!
by Zandroid February 5, 2008
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A little shop in mexico that sells colorful camels and were head wraps are currently on sale.
I think the quicky mart just got in a new shipment of camels I wander what color they are?
by aboo san juan July 15, 2008
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