Man who has a dick so big and dreamy it will make you soo creamy
by Polaitken;) December 28, 2022
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The most handsome and most beautiful guy out there, and he gets all the girls, he is a lady magnet and he won't disappoint!
Boy 1 : Sean is so handsomeeee
Boy 2 : I KNOW BRO
by Le_Canard_Bleu July 25, 2022
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A fucking douchebag who thinks he's cool but I'd not he calls people "retarded faggots" and starts fights he's a bully he's homophobic and is just an asshole no one wants this fucking jerk around
Sean Hey faggot

Alex Hey

Sean You're a retard

Alex No I'm not

Sean Get out you retarded faggot

Alex Shut up
by Boogereater69 January 16, 2021
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A phenomenal magical man that will love you to your core, every piece of you..behind closed doors. He will approximately once a year let you know what you mean to him. When you're with him however all you will get out of him is criticisms and various hate speech about you. Don't worry, these words aren't about you, they're about him. It's the only way he can get such self hatred out, which he shouldn't have btw, because he's the most amazing guy on the entire planet. He will make what he hates about himself your fault and your problem. He can't stop the trash words out of his mouth. Even if he wants you to stay he will tell you to go, even going so far as to remove you with the police, all the while his eyes telling you he needs you. He lives walled up behind a self preservation barrier on an island of loneliness. He thinks he is perfect and underneath the porcupine exterior. he is. But you'll end up rabid and full of quills if you try. Noone can save this adorable raccoon from himself but him. Steals hearts and cracks them, steals your coat straight out of the dryer at the wash. And wants all your coins and internet because he is a leprechaun. He's really a beautiful unicorn though. And I will always love him. I wanted to invite him for Christmas and corn dogs but he bit me instead. My little oatmeal monster who needs head pats and songs. I know all the solutions to his pain but he swatted that away too. You know my number.
Sean is my rabid raccoon.
by Ugotmynumber March 24, 2023
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A phenomenal magical man that will love you to your core, every piece of you..behind closed doors. He will approximately once a year let you know what you mean to him. When you're with him however all you will get out of him is criticisms and various hate speech about you. Don't worry, these words aren't about you, they're about him. It's the only way he can get such self hatred out, which he shouldn't have btw, because he's the most amazing guy on the entire planet. He will make what he hates about himself your fault and your problem. He can't stop the trash words out of his mouth. Even if he wants you to stay he will tell you to go, even going so far as to remove you with the police, all the while his eyes telling you he needs you. He lives walled up behind a self preservation barrier on an island of loneliness. He thinks he is perfect and underneath the porcupine exterior. he is. But you'll end up rabid and full of quills if you try. Noone can save this adorable raccoon from himself but him. Steals hearts and cracks them, steals your coat straight out of the dryer at the wash. And wants all your coins and internet because he is a leprechaun. He's really a beautiful unicorn though. And I will always love him. I wanted to invite him for Christmas and corn dogs but he bit me instead. My little oatmeal monster who needs head pats and songs. I know all the solutions to his pain but he swatted that away too. You know my number.
Sean is my rabid raccoon forever and always even tho he gave away my heart
by Ugotmynumber March 24, 2023
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a thin boned brony with a unibrow, they're an asshole and usually cares only for themselves.
Jose:"Where's Sean? He's late for DND."
Mag:"He's active on facebook messenger, so probably erping with Dw Reim from"
by gsgrfzdgzrf July 26, 2021
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Honest simple guy loyal to friends and family, likes to fight, good at sports and talking to the ladies. Hardworking and brave, never afraid to speak his mind earns his respect and his reputation. Cross a Sean and you'll probably end up with some missing teeth
Sean the realest on the block he always keeps it a stack
by Patrick99NY November 23, 2021
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