A big nigga, usually found lifting a lot of weight, Also very Smart and funny. You can also find him whooping your bf’s ass inside the white lines during football games. Also very handsome and cute with good dick👌🏼
God Caleb Bicknell rearranged my guts last night.

You see Caleb Bicknell squat 700lbs yesterday.

Add Caleb Bicknell on Insta @C.bicknell77
by BigNiggha59 April 20, 2019
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A complete strange child consisting of asian and australian.always stoned and has no money. Nobody likes this annoying child
"eeew, look at that ugly child, must be a caleb thompson" said goffry
"yeah, wtf"
by Goffery Gofferr February 18, 2017
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A peice of white shit lowlife that can’t take the misdemeanor charges that he copped by being a full fledged idiot,so he snitched to avoid a couple days in jail, he thinks he is slick but the victims of his bitch snitchery know what he is doing the whole time, they just want an excuse to call rat patrol and turn him into a walking laughing stalk of his town and A sad pathetic worm of a hollow shell of the person he used to be
Eww do you see that weirdo over there on a sick one? thats Caleb ratman Griffin, aka our own little labRat if he try’s to get drugs from anyone let me and the patrol know, and we will give ya some ghastly shit and whatch the dumb fuck shoot it up and freak out while his mind melts,”sounds coo something about him makes me want to impart some fucking evil to this world, and why the fuck is he walking like that, and that weird look on his face, and those opie dead eyes they are kinda freaking me the fuck out, and I’m into some freaky evil shit I think Wormy McRatman would suit him better”,ehh idk we will come up with something we have plenty of time.for new names”, yea yea, but do you ever feel bad for this shit, I mean he doesn’t live on the streets, his family has to deal with his ass, at this point we’re just kinda fucking them over,”your thinking to much man, less thinking and more poison hotshots!”
by Hugo stiglitz November 9, 2021
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if your name is caleb frontz you definitely make music, have girl issues and can’t settle with one person. You have a friend named tyler rose and you are partners in crime
by bootyshavercom November 14, 2022
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hailey and caleb is the cutest couple there is. they are always happy and facetime 24/7. hailey always finds a way to make caleb smile, and the same for caleb to her. they are always together and will be dating forever
girl 1: hey have you seen hailey and caleb

boy 1: yea they are so cute together
by anonymous 227 November 8, 2020
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a virus that has originated back in BC. it mutated and spread through the years. it is typically known as caleb hairline.
i think i am infected with caleb hairline
by iooidhiwdbed December 12, 2022
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