combination of a night of eating spicy food and excessive drinking leading to explosive shits that may or may not land on your significant other
"Im going to lava deuce on you tonight!"
by consuelatyrena May 1, 2016
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"Go pray to Deuce! or at least listen to one of his songs!"
by Rose Murillo July 15, 2023
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A massive fucking shit and can also be used towards a person who is a dumb fuck and nobody likes them
Yo you no that kid who walks with his head forward all the time and he has no neck, Hes actually a deuce
by orphan kicker27 November 16, 2021
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We got high asf off the deuce last night, bruh”
by Kkaaaayyyy May 7, 2020
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Deuce is a name for someone who is not attractive and un athletic they tend to have a small penis and tend to be very sensitive
by Run run June 4, 2021
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Deuce is a bor that gets either very lucky or unlucky. Deuce is also lookin kinda cylo
that's kinda deuce getting so lucky and lucky at the same time
by cylorun September 28, 2022
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