A Cheese Bandit is someone who would be described as sly, sneaky, slimy and cheesy.

Synonyms: Scoundrel, Suspicious, Devious, Aloof.
I tell you what, that guy is a proper Cheese Bandit. He stinks of cheese the slithery bitch.
by Fiber7 April 25, 2022
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When a friend you trusted fucks your current or ex-girlfriend.
Rick is such a clit bandit he slept with Debra, John's ex-girlfriend.
by Steve3678 May 28, 2023
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A guy that goes around and fucks a lot of women in relationships.
man chad is such a clit bandit, he flipped my girls nips then dipped
Terry the clit bandit really ruined a lot of relationships during IUPatties
by stephanohl October 10, 2019
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Someone who can often be seen at parties wearing boohoo.com clothing. This person is very stylish due to the varied refreshing affordable stylish catalog of boohoo.com
That's Ashley, he is really a boohoo bandit!
by bigdpurpletip September 13, 2022
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Someone who steals from stores. A klepto .Anything with a price tag, gets took. Stolen, put in your pockets, your underwear, your bookbag , its coming out that store. And you aint paying for it ! , its like the old 80s 90s saying "that badd azz boy has sticky fingers!". Sticky finger bandit, is not to get confused with a crackhead who breaks into cars or houses. More like a pro retail theft. Retail klepto
Suburban timmy - "how did markus get all that candy , soda , and spray paint? I didnt see his mom give him money earlyer, and hes only 11 theres no way he able to buy spray paint !"

Suburban Conner- "Yea markus is so freaking k00L he steals everything ! Him and all his friends are STICKY FINGER BANDIT'S ,"

Markus- "thats right bois, one day you guys can be kool like me, thats if your balls are big enough, toodles suburban nerds!"
by Alpha Male OG 90s Baby October 14, 2023
Brett Favre, i.e. in the particular context of $70 million in federal welfare funds fraudulently going to The Gunslinger, a volleyball complex and a former pro wrestler in a scandal that has rocked Mississippi.
Sticky Finger Bandit example

Aaron Rogers - Now I probably got some help playing behind a guy who played in 300+ straight starts. Because it was never even a question for him. But you can’t say there is the same approach now as there was maybe back then.

Pat McAfee - Stick Finger Bandit is who you’re talking about…
by EasyEsq December 2, 2022
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someone who comments on everything a person posts on facebook
i just posted about my sick mother and the facebook bandit strikes again...."Love you mom, ur the best" facebook bandit,"that shit was raw man, love your mom!"
by angelblue December 14, 2013
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