A boy that thinks he's hotter than a 2 pistol and makes sure everyone knows
Henry told me that he fell from heaven, he's such a swag boy
by Ki24 February 4, 2019
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when you have so much swag that you just gotta roll out
dude I'm about to swag out right now
by swagOUT April 6, 2015
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Being a novice in the ways of Swag.
Person A: LOL. Then he asked me to touch his p3n0rz.
Person B: Woah, what a swag-n00b.
by JordanXP August 12, 2009
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A pandemic that recently morphed from the H1N1 virus. Symptoms of swag flu include:

Spending copious amounts of money on jewelry.

Ordering expensive drinks consisting of Hennessy and other cognacs.

Driving cars that you cannot afford.

Disrespecting women.

There is no cure for swag flu.
I can't come into work today because I've got the swag flu. Also, I just leased a new E-Class that I have no way of paying off.
by Dr. David Hutchinson September 25, 2009
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The official bandwagon of swagger. A person or group is on the swag wagon when they have had a recent run of success and are increasingly confident because of it.
Gonzaga University's bench during a basketball game:

G.J. : "Bol is fired up, look at that celebration!"

Manny : "Of course, that's his 10th three-pointer tonight. He's definitely on the swag wagon."
by SpoCal10 February 18, 2010
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Having a style or demeanor that attracts people to you in a sexual way. Not particularly by dressing slutty, but by carrying yourself in a manner that causes people to believe you are great in bed.
Person 1: You see how that girl move her hips?

Person 2: Mmmhhhmmm...she got mad sex swag!
by shaunperfi April 15, 2011
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1.Behind on the CURRENT hype
2.Second wave of audience aka the people who make things over played and mainstreamed or in general not up to date
3.Could also be used to describe as swag jack
1. Man dude that guy is on swag lag, he still rockin that baggy shit.
2. Jay - So what you been listenin to
Alex- just some of that NEW kid cudi, y'know day n nite
Jay- that song has been out for so long, pleasee....you only think thats new cuz the bumpin it on the radio
3. John- Ay kevin, you know that one dude over there?
Kevin- yeah what about him?
John- I swear he is on some swag lag, he is doin everything we did....2 months ago...
Kevin- Fail?
John- True
by somedude4152 July 21, 2009
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