When you let one rip unfiltered in someone's face, but it turns out to be a shart.
"Someone gave Timothy a massive spray tan last night"

"Yeah, that's why I try not to pass out at open house parties"
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When a man and woman put spray tan on their gonads and have sex until they turn dark brown.
I gave Sally a sick mexican spray tan last night.
by Cworsl99 December 7, 2015
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so cute/pretty but in spanish ofc
you: *posts on your main story for the first time in months*

random old man who def should not have snap: "mamacita tan linda😍"
by cornball428 December 26, 2022
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When someones face is obnoxiously red from drinking too much Bourbon
Did you see Kyles face? He has the Bourbon Tan going
by Bourbon Bobby May 24, 2021
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Similar to black face, the process of a white person painting their face black in order to portray a black person...but for those wanting to be hispanic.
Oh, little Amber, just because you're wearing Tan Face doesn't mean you can make better tacos.
by Shamusaurus January 6, 2011
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A skin tan that looks like the colour of Maple Syrup and looks delicious.
Hey man where did you get that Maple Syrup Tan?!”
by Chicka1994 March 1, 2018
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