Understanding of the prerequisite conditions for an event or institution, including but limited to parties, relationships, and using slang.
How you gonna tell me I can't get in the club with this outfit? Bitch you ain't even hip to the function.
by soulbaby07 May 7, 2016
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when you wear a Blackberry or cell phone with a belt clip, and you think you feel it buzzing, even though you are not actually wearing it at the moment.
Cubical worker 1: "Hold on, I bet this is Sarah..."
Cubical worker 2: "Dude, you're not even wearing your Blackberry!"
Cubical worker 1: *sigh* "Phantom hip buzz."
by gg-ma May 17, 2010
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What you get when you try to type “quertyuiop” with auto-correct on
Informal “quotes union
American “queen on utopia

Used in (rarely) speaking:
Query hip got your tongue?
by The shoe on a shelf September 26, 2020
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slang for having sdx
Yeah girl, I’m really looking forward to this hip workout Jeff is gonna give me tonight.
by thatlettuceguy June 13, 2021
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The term "hood rat" has been long used to discribe loose women and men from around urban areas. Basically just switch Urban to any bar where beards, tats, and IPA is on tap.
"Yo Casey Moores is a Hip Rat breeding ground!"
by Xmartyxmcflyx May 20, 2015
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When a person uses the inside of their hips and thighs to stimulate the penis without inserting it into the vagina or ass. Can be done lying down or standing up, but is best done laying down and facing away so the guy gets a good view of the butt.
Person 1: I don't think it counts as sex, does it? Does a hand job count?
Person 2: Nah, I think both a handy or a hip job definitely count as sex.
by bweehehe August 22, 2021
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(1) The drunk text alternative to describe your best friend. (2) The person you text when you've had a bit too much to drink.

(3)Also frisk hip is an action of hip checking and feeling frisky,(4) doing a hip check with flair.
0-4 drinks: you are my best friend

5-? drinks: yours my best frisk hip

Hannah was mad at Chris and gave him a quick frisk hip as she passed him in the hallway.
by skeedlyboop April 3, 2014
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