a fucking corrupt horrible flag with a corrupt horrible community who are fucking stupid
billys dad: billy! dont fire guns at people!
billy: but dad it was some dumbass drunk lesbian woman with blue hair and a pride flag backpack
billys dad: hol up lemme get a few shots at her
by im just that like just thatguy September 21, 2023
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An American conservative who hides their blatant racism, bigotry, hate, and disdain for the actual United States motto (E. Pluribus Unum - "Out of Many, One.") behind a disingenuous use of the American flag, thus metaphorically wiping their ass with it. The sort of person who tells people who speak a foreign language to "Go back to your country" but has a warped version of an American flag on their lifted Dodge RAM truck; A general term for a conservative.
"That guy shouting about Mexicans and blacks while waving the Stars and Stripes at the Trump rally is such a flag-wiper."

"Any time you see some flag-wiper driving around in their big pickup truck, rolling coal and acting like a complete asshole, don't forget what party they represent."
by Nix Nachtvogel February 25, 2023
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the nature of a muLLet haircut observed from psychopathic feminist's POV..
"i was expLaining to friend the nature of a muLLet haircut when observed by psychopathic feminists.. i think they see my muLLet as a MAN FLAG !!"

"bro thats so true !!"
by dr_bLur October 24, 2019
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Named after Six Flags Great America, A term to define a toxic relationship filled with tumultuous ups and downs and roller coaster emotions but you enjoy the ride so much it’s hard to get off
I wanna make an amusement park and name each ride after all my toxic exes. I’ll call it Red Flags Great America.

Im sure it’s fun when she rides you but That girl right there is Red Flags Great America bro and you need to get off before you go broke
by Cruize FX September 1, 2022
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Used in situations in order to determine whether someone is amorously available or not
A man sees a woman in a bar and approaches her: “Excuse me madam, but by any chance, are you flagged?”
by Flagger2000 January 8, 2023
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something about someone/thing where you notice it and you’re like “well that’s not great” but it’s not exactly a dealbreaker
(think a red flag but not as bad)
Guy 1: My friend Jessica’s orange flag is she teases people but can’t handle being teased back.
Guy 2: Noted.
by mikutoaster May 26, 2023
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