440 definitions by readyforthemoon55

A dervishist is a proponent of Dhulbahante self-determination and a dhulbahante state
she's a dervishist
by readyforthemoon55 July 10, 2020
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dervishness quantifies the state of being dhulbahante
her dervishness came to light
by readyforthemoon55 July 14, 2020
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One who has a love or affinity for Somalia, and its inhabitants, the Somalis
she's a straight up somaliphile
by readyforthemoon55 September 6, 2019
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A pejorative term levelled against Cushites and Horners by those who are not from the Horn of Africa
look at that hornoid
by readyforthemoon55 September 18, 2019
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qoob fardood are the water pools adjacent to dareema caddo, formerly the seat of the proto-Darwiish Salahiya/Urwayniya court, and thereby the birthplace of the Darwiish. Qoob Fardood, a lake and shoreline in the vicinity of Buuhoodle was the center of the darwiish from 1896 until 1899
Her parents visited the Qoob Fardood in Buuhoodle
by readyforthemoon55 June 19, 2020
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oday darawiish means a elderly dhulbahante
they're oday darawiish
by readyforthemoon55 June 4, 2020
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A Darwiishphobic insult directed against reer Darwiish, i.e. the Darwiishians
Did they just call you a Dhilobahante?
by readyforthemoon55 August 10, 2019
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