A midnight snack including cheese, crackers, jam, and olives.
(This is Kev-wan's word)
Jacob: Yo, Kev-wan, let's go get hooked up wit dat coffee jungle shit!
Kev-wan: Hell yeah, nigga, cheese please bobakanoosh!
by Jonny Twotime October 24, 2007
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The nick name for a horrible step dad. Who throws things out of anger over stupid shit but still tries to kiss the ex wife he is divorcing from.
Jason... jungle tits has his arm around my mom!! I hate him!!”
by Ichillwityobae June 20, 2018
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A joke that is barbaric in nature and lacks sophistication. These jokes originated in the jungle where the people rely on cruelty and mean-spirit actions with no punchline and essentially teasing another individual. Children often starts off with cruel jokes (jungle joke) but eventually matures and learns more sophisticated joking skills. Some adults may never evolve and continues to use jungle jokes as a means to be funny while other adults have graduated intellectually.
Misty only understood jungle jokes so she poured paint on Lisa’s dress. Misty laughed but Lisa and her peers saw this act as cruel. Misty did not know that jungle jokes are inappropriate in certain settings.
by Birdstheword July 6, 2022
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A stupid phrase used by a weeb streamer called Nightblue3. The phrase is used when he gets a kill in the game League Of Legends. After the phrase is used he normally startes typing CY@ in the all chat.
*Nightblue3 kills the enemy jungler trying to counter jungle*
Nightblue3: "Get outta ma jungle"
*3 seconds after*
Nightblue3: CY@
by Uokyl January 3, 2017
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A sexual act performed by two or three dudes throwing you as they please and penetrating you the way they want in a very animalistic way. This action can only be performed in gay sex.
I got jungle thrown by those two dudes we met in the club last night and now my spine hurts.
by Thegayexpert March 22, 2023
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Euphemism for a full bushed vagina
Penny's angry jungle purse is a magical place; some say it holds the secrets of the universe
by Ninjedi69 May 1, 2019
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