A person who is always trying to look and act in a sexually attractive to someone, but never realizes when the other person is playing along.
Girl 1: Ugh! He clearly wants to have sex with me, but never takes my hints

Girl 2: He clearly has Single directional innocent whore complex !
by Valentinowry February 20, 2022
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When an unattractive male is somehow extremely attractive to women, usually because he is charming, confident, well-dressed and well-groomed.

Two perfect examples are Sal from Impractical Jokers and the YouTuber Chunkz.
Dude, how the fuck does Vincent pull so much?! He's like 5'7" and 200lbs; it defies the laws of time and space!

Nah dude, he just has a Sal Complex.
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a complex in which one thinks they look like/are robert pattinson.

like a god complex but instead it’s robert pattinson
that guy really had a robert pattinson complex! he looks nothing like him!!”
by jtrinceri April 26, 2021
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The ever too common "carol complex" is defined as being overly attentive to house guests.
"oh how was dinner at the Johnston's? especially around dinner"
"Oh it was real nice however Susan has developed a real 'Carol Complex'
by juicyjwhite March 18, 2018
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When you believe you are the hottest person in a setting where looks are unimportant.
When you look around the office and notice there are no hot people so you believe you are the hottest person at work is an example of airport complex.
by Xx_zer0c00l_xX April 15, 2023
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to show unreasonable levels of spite after being deceived
arbys cashier: you can 2 sandwiches for 5 dollars.
dfens: okay ill buy 1 sandwich
arbys cashier: 2 sandwiches
dfens: I want one damn sandwich you think I should just throw the other one away
arbys cashier: its just a sandwich its cheaper
dfens: just give me one damn sandwich. charge me for 2. I don't want two damn sandwiches
arbys cashier: we can't do that sir.
arbys cashier: so you have a dfens complex sir
dfens: damn right I do.
by ebonics webster August 24, 2020
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A insecurity complex that manifests itself as arrogance and pompous behavior.
I honestly believe that he acts so abrasivly arrogant in order to compensate for how short he is. Everyone knows a man who is so insecure about his height or himself in general comes across that way. For sure, this guy has a porcupine complex by using his harsh, pompous and cocky characteristics as his shield of armor.
by A Frayed Knot by EdgyZen February 5, 2018
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