The tendency for pop culture to swing back and forth between vampires and zombies; when one becomes uncool (vampires via Twilight), the other becomes cool (zombies). The pendulum swings over the course of several years.
Everything is saturated with zombies. I'm tired. Call me when the undead pendulum swings again.
by hataraxia August 18, 2011
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A meme that should be dead, but for some reason a plethora of people pretend it isn't. An example of this is Among Us. For some reason, a ton of people still use it and think it's funny, even though many people do not think it is.
Person 1: Why do people keep posting about among us?!

Person 2: It's an undead meme.
by Based Cow March 22, 2022
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A horrible creation gone array.The scientists at Area 51 were trying to create the ultimate creation but all they got was death....
Undead Monkey!So many undead mo-....
by Corey Kelly April 2, 2005
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Gay bunch of kids who follow the gay pop band who thinks they are harecore who are really not... where was I? Ohh yeah. Bunch of queers...
You're one of those "Undead Empire" fags, aren't you?

Definition Thought Up At the United States Scientific Univetsity of National Geothermal Activity at, P.O. BOX 32 Suite 6, Koslousky Rd., Provience-2, Antartica, 00001-1035

Yes... Your tax dollars are in good use.
by Elixer May 16, 2006
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Undead Chronic XIV, leader of the Warband. A green-skinned gentleman that espouses physical fitness, inner-strength, and generates a very based energy. As one of the many YouTube channels to be taken down - now on his 14th channel - he continues to inspire young men and women to better themselves, although his philosophy is more attractive to men. The nightmare of feminists and soyboys. The kush-smoking, anti-feminist roaster. "No Hymen, No diamond". His Warband comprises of ten of thousands of people all over the world, although his public members include: Sir Yeetus, Reishi, Manic the Manic Mechanic, Ribby the Party Frog, and Riker the Biker. The wise gentleman, Hammerhand, is also a known friend of the group, although he is a MGTOW Monk.
GUY A: My girlfirend dumped me for Chad.
GUY B: Bro, don't worry about it. Check out "Undead Chronic XIV".
GUY A: My friends said he hated women.
GUY A: HAHAHAHA. Dude, the guy saved my life.
by afrosaxonixv February 18, 2022
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Hollywood undead is the biggest sellout band ever. They were sick before they got signed to a label; only people who didn't listen to them before like them now. Once they got signed, they went mainstream and now it's just a band of fake ass bitches making music for fake ass kids who think their tough. They 'cross genres' because they don't have a style of there own. They just play gangsta for the emo white kids jack off too.
You listen to hollywood undead?

Naw bro I'm not a fag.
by Johhnyrico September 27, 2019
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Those who are both undead and Homo-Erotic. They like to indulge in Homo-Erotic orgies.
(Abbreviated to H.E.U)
*A is a member of the Homo-Erotic Undead!
by Ms T February 21, 2003
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