When someone is gay and trying to suss out if you're an ally or not, s/he'll throw queer baiting your way to judge you by your reaction. A 'test run' of information to see if you are cool and nonjudgmental in order to see if s/he wants to be friends.
Phil: "See that guy over there? With his arms crossed, talking to the guy in the green? Which is hotter? Tell me quick."
Kate: "Uh..."
Phil: "It's arms crossed guy, right? I think he's the hottest guy here."
Kate: "Oh, definitely, he's super attractive."
Phil: "Good. Glad we agree." *wink*
Kate: "Did you just queer quiz me?"
Phil: "Totally. And you passed."
by kayleefirefly March 24, 2015
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How your gonna make all your friends gay in an instant
Derick : Hey Thomas, Have you heard of the black chicken quiz?
Thomas :No, why?
Derick : Whatever. How many legs does a black chicken have?
Thomas : Two
Derick : Okay, how many eyes does a black chicken have?
Thomas : Two
Derick : How many nostrils does a black chicken have?
Thomas Two
Derick Now how much fur is on a white cat?
Thomas : I don't know
Derick You seem to know more about black cock than you do white pussy
by verycomplexusername April 17, 2020
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A. A spam-quiz (or spam quiz) is a quiz found on quizilla that's an Ad, Chain letter, or something that does not belong on a site for quiz making & taking.

B. A quiz that deals with that very fulfilling food spam.
Example A:
Quiz Title: "BUY prozac cheap online!"
Person: "This is just a spam-quiz!"
Example B.
Quiz title: "What kind of spam are you?"
Person: "Oh! A spam-quiz!"
by ExcelTinker February 18, 2009
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quiz bowl is an organization for smart ppl
if u are a failure and very dumb then don't join
"L imagine not being in quiz bowl ur bad ur a failure u still unemployed imagine"
by logan CVXII May 25, 2022
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1. When you take a blind taste test at the Sperm Bank in order to identify your Male lover.

2. When you are extremely ready to take a test at school and you have so many facts in your head that you are turning blue from holding it in and you cannot wait to 'bust all over that quiz you stupid bitch.'

3. Something you ask your date if they want to come inside and study for.
Yuh, I asked Shorty if they wanna take my Jizz Quiz after we took a few xannies and that bitch done Aced the exam & even got that extra credit.
by herbertonic June 19, 2023
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What a teacher gives you when she wants to see you suffer.
I fail that quiz we had in biology.
by JAMESTHEPRO162 June 15, 2020
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something that you get to test your knowledge on topics that have been reviewed in class. Remember to study hard and review your notes.
Jackson: hey are you ready for the quiz tomorrow

Micheal: kinda but I gotta take a few minutes and study some more
by 1v1 you loser October 12, 2021
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