“did you here about that pedophile?”
“yes he’s reading this definition
by sexehhh man June 10, 2021
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Drey barash ( a man who preys on younger girls flexes cars that aren’t his and the best thing has a small penis )
Drey Barash likes to prey on young girls and lie about his age to get in their pants so he is now known as a PEDOPHILE
by Smallppboy April 22, 2019
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an adult (chick or dude) who is sexually attracted to young children
Jack: Did you hear about that pedophile Philip Craig Garrido who kidnapped 11 year old Jaycee Dupree, locked her away for 18 years in his backyard, and had two children with her?

Jill: That's fucked up dude!
by momotan September 6, 2009
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my dad rapped me at 8 yres old
my dad is a pedophil to my mom
by ILikePeopleOfAge February 23, 2022
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A person who is interested in people under the age of 13
You:little boy addict are you a pedophile
Little boy addict: yes I am
by Killerskyhawk November 13, 2019
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An adult that is sexually attracted to kiddos. Mainly labelled as men but can be women as well.
'Alex steer watches little girls in school because he is a pedophile.'
by KrustyKrabPizz4 January 26, 2018
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