the 1/2/3/4 fitness goal is as follows:
1 plate (135lbs/60kg) overhead press
2 plates (225lbs/100kg) bench press
3 plates (315lbs/140kg) squat
4 plates (405lbs/180kg) deadlift
I finally reached the 1/2/3/4 milestone!
by blue42343 August 5, 2022
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2-4-1 comes from the expression "Life's 2 Short 4 Just 1 Sport" and has become synonomous with being a multisport athlete, or someone who rises to a high level in their primary sport by growing up playing multiple sports (eg. Roger Federer, Patrick Mahomes, Wayne Gretzky, Abby Wombach).
That kid is clearly a 2-4-1er. What an athlete.
by MinisterOfFun December 7, 2022
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When you're really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really bored
you: wow i'm bored
you also: '"1!2@3#4$5%6¨7&8*9(0)qwertyuiop´`{asdfghjklç~^}\|zxcvbnm,<.>;:/?¹²³£¢¬§ªº°
by my completely real name September 27, 2022
Get the '"1!2@3#4$5%6¨7&8*9(0)qwertyuiop´`[{asdfghjklç~^]}\|zxcvbnm,<.>;:/?¹²³£¢¬§ªº° mug.
Person 1: I hate you!
Person 2: `~1⅑⅐ ⅒ ¹!¡ 2 @² 3 #³ 4 $⁴5 %⁵ 6^⁶7 &⁷8*⁸9(⁹0ⁿ)⁰∅-—_–·=≈≠+∞
Person 1: *cries*
ugh shut up you goofy lil`~1⅑⅐ ⅒ ¹!¡ 2 @² 3 #³ 4 $⁴5 %⁵ 6^⁶7 &⁷8*⁸9(⁹0ⁿ)⁰∅-—_–·=≈≠+∞...
by Iampotato9749 September 21, 2023
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A state of boredom so ungodly that one types all of the keys that have a shift alternative with the original key first, then the shift key next, in a left-to-right fashion. If you see this, please get back to your assignment.
I typed `~1!2@3#4$5%6^7&8*9(0)-_=+{}\|;:'",<.>/? today because I was so bored that I had the immediate urge to type in whatever this is.
by keyboard combos January 20, 2023
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What Gaben counts to. He forgot a number.
The cycle of Gaben
Guy 1: 1 2 4 5
Guy 2: Wait, you forgot 3!
Get the 1 2 4 5 mug.
The great big shaq once told the biggest mathematical theorem which was 2+2+4-1 which was hardest question
are you able to solve this "2+2=4-1"
yea i can
yes i'm
by not big shaq November 2, 2017
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