an extremely wide stance while taking a shit - where the feet are placed in the next stall; an impossible toilet stance if the pants are around the ankles; clever excuse by Senator Larry Craig to deflect attention from more probing matters
What the hell are you doing tapping my foot, you pervert? Nah, man, I just got a wide bathroom stance.
by Snoopy Pugh April 18, 2008
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A closeted gay Republican who rages against LGBT rights in public but gets their same-sex freak on in private. Named after Senator Larry Craig's defense of his solicitation bust, i.e. that he has "a wide stance when going to the bathroom."
They busted another wide stance Republican...yeah, this congressman got busted trying to pick up a rent boy in some leather bar.
by Jiangyingzi October 18, 2007
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The need to use a public restroom, especially for those who abhor the lack of privacy, and find it hard to "go", in such facilities, but are forced to out of a sense of urgency.
Honey, I'm at the Atlanta airport and I hate to tell ya, but I have to take a WIDE STANCE.
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Standing in the posture typical of a person from Buffalo, New York, USA.
by Chaz May 28, 2019
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The revived way to post up. Not made up by Cassidy just brought back by him. Orignated from Curtis Blow the Original B-Boy.

How to do it: When you postin up on a wall or off, cross your arms and keep a laid back look on ya face.
I'm just chillen in da club in my B-Boy Stance (Stance)
My hoody on, wit my gun in my pants
by Neezy June 21, 2005
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