i ran out of relief source”
by BAKA🙏🙏 December 10, 2020
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An expression of the desire to make someone shut up.
Sawyer: Eric, can you please give me some oral relief?

Eric: Uhm... you mean a blowjob?

Sawyer: No, I just want you to shut up.
by augustF15 July 12, 2021
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The only truly enjoyable part of the whole church-attendance experience (well, besides the ice cream Sunday, perhaps); that's why everyone's smiling as they exit the church --- they didn't actually enjoy being cooped up in a sweltering stuffy musty chapel for two long boring hours; they're just so relieved that it's finally over and they can go outside again.
I hear people happily praising the preacher on what a great service it was as they file out of the church,. but for most of them, it's just post-sermon relief --- the only thing they're actually happy about is that the service didn't last longer than it did!!
by QuacksO August 5, 2018
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When an egyptian boy dates an egyptian girl in secret and she is THICK and a little chubby!
Hey Abdhullah, whos that girl you were talking too she is kinda thick. OH that's Lina shes my Egyptian relief
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the feeling you get when the teacher disconnects from the zoom call
im so relieved its the weekend fuck yes *sigh of relief*
by johny fucking depp April 8, 2021
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When you wipe your ass with the last piece of toilet paper and it comes off clean
God luckily my deadline got moved, thats such a relief
by Arge_e June 5, 2022
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A company that scams people who are in debt.
Guardian Debt Relief lies to its customers.
by Green Pill December 31, 2020
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