the sexiest rapper of all time, best music you’ll ever hear that you’ll want to convert to Crimotism
Guy: Yo Michael, what song should I play
Michael: Put on The Truman Show by Awake the Rapper!
by Rie47 September 26, 2023
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A list of the top and most popular rappers from Flushing Queens, New York:
Mic Geronimo
Royal Flush
Grand Larce
Large Professor
Neek The Exotic
Pop-off Balla
Frank White
Social Suiside
Marc Dollarz
Reign Era
Damn, that's them Flushing Rappers.
by Flush Town rep May 12, 2011
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A recording artist whose marketing strategies have de-emphasized the use of creative storytelling and clever rhymes in favor of duplicating the success of "what is hot" hence creating a lack of variety for selling singles as ringtones.

A recording artist who has drained credibility and creativity out of a once-vibrant genre of music with emphasis on "gangsta" attitudes, explicit lyrics, tales of street life and conspicuous consumption. The audience of which is now educated as to such lifestyles and has grown weary to the culture of the rap industry's use of such lifestyles throughout the years for commercialism.
A ringtone rapper sells more ringtones than copies of albums.
by H Paul August 25, 2007
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A rapper that doesn't display him/herself like Jim Jones or some other artists that like to sag to their knees, wear tall tees, and carry HUGE chains.

A classy rapper actually dresses nice, doesn't rap about only sex/drugs/women, and is an upstanding citizen in the world. Classy rappers aren't looked at as thugs or trashy hood rats.
Redneck: I hate rap! Those black people can't do anything right! And their clothes are 4x too big!

Alec:Have you seen Kid Cudi or Lupe Fiasco lately? They are classy rappers- looking fresh to death, Rapping about things that matter, and are looked upon as high rising citizens. Kanye West is getting there, but he needs to lay off the arrogance.
by AlecMetallic September 12, 2009
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MBC rapper is a word i think i have come up with on my own maybe it already exist but it stands for Money, Bitches and Cars rapper. It's a rapper that mainly raps about these three words and often is a wack rapper.

rapper bitches money rhyme
Lil wayne's rhymes is so wack and has got no meaning!

Yeah he is such an MBC rapper!

lil wayne
by Addict for.. June 5, 2009
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a social media nuisance with hopes of becoming famous with the use of bad quality music and spam. sometimes the following : follower ratio may fool you into thinking they're famous, but don't let this fool you, it's not hard to purchase a fake following.
Bob: Yo, Young Greatness just followed me on Twitter. I've never heard of him tho..
Phil: Check out his music, he's probably on the come up.

*Bob checks out Young Greatness's music*

Bob: Woah, this... this doesn't sound very good..
Phil: Come on, man. Are you already a hater?
Bob: No, dude. Here take a listen.

*Phil listens*

Phil: Woah, this is terrible, who signed this guy?

*Both do Google searches*

Bob: I'm not seeing anything..
Phil: Me neither...

Both: Twitter Rapper...
by AyeDumbDumb July 18, 2014
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1. Any rapper from Greece. (e.g. Snik, Light)
2. A specific artist called Greek Rapper (GreekRapperVEVO on YouTube) who focuses on instrumental tracks and beat making.
-Do you listen to Snik’s new song?
-Wait, isn’t he that Greek Rapper?
by GucciHunter85 August 17, 2018
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