One of the greatest pranks of this Common Era, begotten by our Savior himself.

In the Gospel of Thomas, Jesus asks his disciples, "Who am I?" Christ receives three answers:

1.) Peter: "You are a righteous messenger"
2.) Matthew: "You are a wise philosopher"
3.) Thomas: "My mouth is wholly incapable of saying whom you are like"

Upon these answers, Jesus pulls Thomas aside and reveals three secret sayings to him. Thomas returns to the other disciples, and they eagerly ask what Jesus had said. Thomas tells them, "If I tell you even one of the things which he told me, you will pick up stones and throw them at me; and a fire will come out of the stones and burn you up."

The three secret sayings were never revealed from Thomas, and died out with him. What's the prank? When Jesus pulled Thomas aside, what he actually said was something along the lines of:

"Yo, Thomas, I've got this brilliant fucking idea. I'm going to whisper in your ear some nonsense, and you just nod. When you get back to the other 'sciples over there, they're going to ask you what I said. Just tell them I told you three secret sayings and that you can't ever tell them what they are. It'll drive them and the future religious world ridonkeykong!"
John 8:12

"When Jesus spoke again to the people he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, unless, of course, that person falls for another one of my infallible Jesus pranks!"
by chazmatazz February 18, 2009
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a really good prank that goes on for hours. never goes how planned.
"bro that molly prank is too far"
by Aj smurf December 5, 2020
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When you play a practical joke on someone and film it.
Victim: Ahhh! You sure did spook me!
Prankster: Haha! You just got put on prank cam!
by The_Rizzler_Dictionary June 29, 2023
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Have rough anal sex with
John: Yo, it looks like Adam fell asleep first.

Marus: Prank him, John!

John: Haha! You already know.

*clap clap clap*

Adam: OH! YOOO!! AHHHHHHH!!!!!
by papadusty September 27, 2022
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A prank that women play on men where they get them to open their legs so she can punch him in the balls.
She pretended to show me where your choda was but the bitch punched me in the balls. She laughed and asked “That’s the Choda Prank bitch!”
by MoBitches MoProblems August 21, 2023
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1) A situation where there is no surveillance, and therefore, no one to see you TP that stupid memorial or whatnot.

2) A person who is really annoying or stupid, and deserves a prank to be pulled on them, prank ranging from stealing their glasses to pushing them into a freezing pool with their shoelaces tied.

3) Something that tempts a mind onto wicked thoughts and actions, and something that deserves to be messed with.
That sign was so prank-worthy, with all the right letters sitting there and absolutely no one around, I had to rearrange them to spell "hairy monkey balls"

Justin gets on my nerves all the time, so instead of just beating him up, I steal his iPod and dump ice cubes down his shirt. He's just that prank-worthy.

Don't leave that female manikin just lying around; it's just a little too prank-worthy.
by prankster _chica December 8, 2009
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