A group of teenagers who are so weird they can only befriend eachother. They insist on tie dying anything and everything . They stay out all night and swing danc win the street to country music. They name everything they find rocks and Starr's and any wallets. They have a strange urge to Color everything and play with uv and glow in the dark stuff. They drink every Friday and run around being even weirder than normal and I sisit on calling every sand niggers nigglets and towel heads. Make fun of everyone they don't like in cruel ways. They make friends at Walmart and judge people at the mall and always have a camera on them ALWAYS and make when approaching a crowds . Most are asexual or date other Porch monkeys and the occasional sand nigger
" omg cute guy!!!!!"
"Be my friend!!"
Guy runs off
" it's okay let's tie dye are panties"
" y'all are porch monkeys"
by Gretchen weiners June 1, 2013
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Someone whom sits around in their thong or wife-beater monkeying around all day in the hot sun. Also another version of the termonology is: a person whom looks like a monkey and smells like one too, hanging around all day on their porch doing nothing with " my sister".
Autumn says to Sunny: " I'm a monkey, and I'm on our porch, I must be a Porch Monkey!"

by Quack-tastic May 10, 2007
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An extension of a Space Monkey; so extremely spaced out that they don't even move or do anything.
I don't think that kid has moved all day. He's a total porch monkey.
by Rob Bob May 22, 2008
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A deregatory term used to describe Carion in the game guildwars, meaning worthless.
by Warrior Nation March 5, 2007
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Used as a roast or to show that someone is so stupid that they belong in the jungle
Man: *holding phone* where is my phone
Woman: in your hand you retarded porch monkey
by Happy! July 10, 2021
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