A man or a woman who is sexually attracted to children or under-age people.

Pedophilia is a mental disorder, rather than a sexual orientation or a personal sexual choice. Generally, a man or a woman cannot decide to be sexually attracted to children or not, however they are responsible for handling their attraction responsibly and not engaging any child or under-age person in sexual activity.

Pedophilia is not commonly associated with men that are attracted to very attractive, physically mature and extremely well-developed teenage girls, as that is just considered attraction for the sake of being attracted to someone young and good-looking. This is not always the case, though.
Lesher was currently in an anonymous group that dealt with keeping sexual desire towards children to oneself, and not exploring any child sexually, as he is a pedophile.
by Mechanical Ballerina May 18, 2009
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(adj.) Describing a person that emulates or embodies those characteristics commonly associated with pedophiles.
John McCain seems like that creepy, old, pedophilic next-door-neighbor that offers all the little kids candy if they come inside.
by DCdebateWATCHER October 8, 2008
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An adult who likes to be the punching bag in prison for not keeping it in their pants on a playground.
Did you see what the inmates did to that new pedophile?
by Karma the Bitch November 16, 2020
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Revolting, disgusting, and horrible human beings, regardless of gender or age, are somehow attracted to prepubescent children and should rot in the abyss, never to see the light of day. Ever. They either use the "mental illness" card or try to justify their actions by saying "No no no! it's not what it looks like!", when really, all they want to do is fap to little kids and be the most disgusting humans imaginable. They don't deserve to live. The sentence below is from personal experience.
"I was forced and blackmailed by a Pedophile and was demanded to send nude photos of myself online and I didn't know how to say no. I was 15 years old and I won't ever forget that trauma. I know it was over the internet, but it still hurts to think about. It feels like it was yesterday even though that whole mess was 3 years ago, but still."
by LudwigTheStrange January 14, 2021
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A person who is sexually attracted to children.
Joe: "you seen the pedo Matt c around?"
Emmett : "Yeah he's a real pedophile.."
by assholelilah April 10, 2019
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A fucking retarded sicko who faps to/rapes children, babies, and teens. They are usually old males from the ages of 50 to 80 and can barely stand up straight. Fact is, they probably ain't straight either.
by Peanut Butter & Bukkake August 31, 2019
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