Sum who drinks a twelve pack of bud ice and smokes a bowl of fire nugget then blacks the fuck out and pisses all over the couch.
Dude look at that blacked out big boy he pissed all over ur couch man kick his ass.
by SilkyJohnston October 10, 2011
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Abbreviation: BONS. When you chug a lot of Keystone Lights or college beers in one sitting so that you can not remember anything.
Jesus and I were black out non stop from the wine!
by S - Muscle December 13, 2009
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That one black person that does a sport that most black people don't do.
" Kaykay. What are you doin today"
" About to go snowboarding. Wanna join watermelondraydray?"
" Me+cold= hell naw so hell naw. Who's goin with you tho?"
" it's me , Tyler, Kyle, Stacy , Victoria, Andrew , and Judi."
" Ha you such a Odd black out ( obo )!"
" No shit Bruh."
by KayIsJustAPhase January 7, 2015
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when you are extremely fucked up and you do your laundry.
damn i have shit loads of laundry to do i have to be the black out mode laundry man tonight.
by mc rb April 21, 2007
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Most commonly found in porn... When a man stands over a woman who is upside down with her legs straight up or bent over her head getting railed so hard that she blacks out.
Dude did you just see that reverse jack hammer with black out shes going to be out for a while.
by DA YAK June 22, 2008
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When committing a crime the individual partaking in it would prefer to be dressed in all black, witch makes sense at night seeing it is easier to blend in all black at night however being all blacked out in the daytime is suspicious and ironically draws more attention to person. To combat this a person who commits crimes should where neutral colours during the day, preferably grey to blend in and not seem dodgy however at sunset it would be in your best interest to wear all black. Therefore the phrase "greyed out in the day blacked out at night" came to be.
Person 1:I like being blacked out at all time fuck wearing other colours
Person 2:Bro, that will draw more attention to yourself. greyed out in the day blacked out at night. Not as bangers.
Person 1: Fair enough
by 65Biz May 24, 2021
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