Laughing Under Limits: (Can be used as a threat when used in all capitals)
Lul: (Verb) 1. Can be used as an expression in those awkward situations when your kidnapper makes an extremely lame joke but you still have to laugh, for you fear... however an awkward chuckle may suffice.
2. Can be used when your friend says something but you are deaf so you Lul. (She just told you that your dog died).
Lul:(Noun) 1. That awkward laughter that you must contain because it is not the time nor the place in which you can laugh. I.e. You are giving your valedictorian speech but your brother in the front row is being ridiculous, you cannot laugh but you also cannot not laugh.

2. Forced awkward laughter See Lul:(Verb 2)
Person 1: Sorry I didn't mean to say that.
Person 2: Lul... you're fine (extremely awkward).
by tadpolesareadorableforgs September 30, 2022
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Lul means something that is funny. It is also an easy way to end a conversation. No one should type after Lul is written. ZARAH IS THE CREATOR OF LUL
That joke was so funny Lul
by Lul creator May 6, 2021
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Something you say when you see a famous person in belgium
Can we go take a picture with the lul (famous person) ?
by Pornaddictedguy March 21, 2022
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The more casual, edgier brother of lol. Use it to laugh at the miseries of others or to express a casual smirk that lasts between one to three seconds.
Your Friend: So I fell down the stairs today and broke my arm
You: lul
by Facestrike May 19, 2020
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Did you see those two love birds? They were LULing!
by WolfieB May 21, 2021
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This word is for people like me, who hate the word lol its overrated and just yah. And for people who are slow you can tell I'm slow by how I am typing lul. Puurddddddddddd
Tired of yo slow ass lul.
by materialgurllll January 23, 2022
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