The most dangerous leaf to come across literally don't ever go near an evil leafy from bfdi seriously it's so messed up
WARNING: Don't go near a red leaf or else it will probably eat you
Ice Cube: AHHHHHHH!!!!
by GoofyAssRizz September 19, 2023
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When a content creator alludes to another content creator’s significant other in an attempt to moderate the number of fans that follow for sexual appeasement (possible through cuck theorem). This in turn can act as a basis for determining the legitimacy of the creator.
Did you hear about Pokimane’s subscriber count? I head she’s being subject to Leafy’s simp test.
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In BFB 22 by Jacknjellify
Firey tells his point of view of who he think stole the diary. While talking, Leafy shows up and says:
"Mwa ha ha! I am leafy! And I'm going to steal this diary! That's me! "Leafy the stealer!"
Firey makes a pog face in response
Guys I think Leafy the stealer stole Donut's diary
by Hi_I'm_Val July 21, 2023
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Big chinned ass. This is a person that likes to lie and be a huge cunt very often.
Leafy fan: I love Leafy!

An intellectual: Are you fucking gay?
by LOLCAT24 August 27, 2018
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when a person smokes and gets high but not really high it’s like if a person were to drink they would be tipsy before they get drunk
a:wanna smoke?

b: yea

a: are you high?
b.nah i’m leafy
by keona chavez November 29, 2020
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