Sam: Look at that cute hamster!
Jake: No, that's just a rat with more fluff.
by That-Lonely-Cunt February 18, 2019
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when you nibble on someone's lip imitating a small rodent
by HamsterKing January 6, 2015
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Expending a lot of time and energy, but not getting anything accomplished (just like a hamster on a hamster wheel).
Did you see Frank hamstering up on seventh floor again yesterday? I can't believe executive management isn't on to him yet.
by Skip Anderson April 10, 2008
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To violently make love at an alarming pace. In order to initiate a 'Hamster', the male must thrust at a speed which almost sends him into a spasm.
Man1: "Dude seriously, i hamstered the hell outta that slut ."
Man2: "No way!"
Man1: "Way."
by Flossua March 16, 2009
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Slang used by people who identify as or experience the following... non-able bodied, long term/chronic illness, having mobility issues, disabled, differently abled etc etc

Refers to people who are able-bodied

Intended use: to counter ableist culture/ableism.
I went to gym yesterday, it was full of hamsters.
by one of the people in the world September 19, 2016
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The cageing of blacks in a prison that resembles hamsters in a cage.
Rahway prison is full of freakin hamsters.
by Moe Foe March 30, 2005
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