The act of yanking a man's cock while wearing boxing gloves.

This largely unrecognized and under-appreciated variation of a handjob was initially practiced in the middle ages. Historians postulate the glove was a preventative measure practiced by dukes, earls, and serfs alike who would coerce lepors with low self-esteem to choke the chicken. The glove was required because it was believed that leprosy was transmitted via human contact.


In March of 2020 the glove job reentered public consciousness due to CDC finding that the SARS-2, CoVid-19 virus was most easily spread via hand-genital contact. Early studies indicate 56% of North Americans over the age of 18 have participated in 1-5 glove jobs while 44% 6 or greater. 86% of adults have reported engaging in masturbatory glove jobs because they saw a Facebook post about President Trump mentioning the glove job's effectiveness in halting the spread of the virus.

Of note, the dramatic uptick in glove jobs resulted in early PPE shortages across the continent and did not abate until 13 year old, Henry Wilkins, began experimenting with condoms ("To practice for the real thing."), and realized what we as a society had known all along, that is, that the condom IS the glove. His Youtube rant went viral and the PPE shortage suddenly disappeared. A statue of Henry, presented in the moment of his epiphany, was erected in front of numerous CoVid-19 care facilities. He will no doubt be a national hero for decades to cum.
i went home with this chick last night and noticed she had crazy man hands so i begged for a glove job so i wouldnt be so grossed out
by camusus July 2, 2020
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Garden glove (noun) - the dirty, crusty sock under ffxiv player-Iris Xi's bed, used to fap only when succumbing to the darkness of the edgelord. Also known as the pity fap.
I was a healer in feast and I tried to zip zop but my zoobity didn't bop... Time to bust out the ol' garden glove and have me a pity fap.
by casperino August 6, 2016
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Chess Gloves are used while playing chess to prevent the pieces slipping out of sweaty hands.
"My hands are sweaty, thank goodness I'm wearing my chess gloves!"
by High roller November 9, 2012
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The generous slathering and layering of Crisco shortening from the fingers to the elbow for engaging in a deep penetrating fisting session with a very lucky partner.
I want to be fisted right now. No worries I got a 3 pound tub of Crisco in my car. Hole up for me and I’ll get the Crisco glove on.

Holy shit. Carl fisted me last night with the Crisco glove. It was incredible. I gaped for a half hour before snapping shut. Next time we are going to try the Crisco sleeve.
by Eaton Holgoode January 28, 2018
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To treat someone with extra care and
Jean is a little wacky, we will have to treat her it kid gloves....
by bonneville babe February 8, 2005
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Using or putting on the "velvet glove" suggests the use of gentle but effective persuasion. The glove is the depiction of the proverbial hand that indicates manipulation or active influence to a desired outcome; it being made of velvet encourages the perception of subtlety and deftness of such influence.

The full definition is opposed to the threatening coercion connotated by the opposite but more well known term "iron fist".
Hitler ran the Nazi machine with an iron fist, whereas leaders of today, in the interest of the press, handle almost all public matters with the velvet glove.
by gregsan January 6, 2009
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