2 definitions by gregsan

velvet glove

Using or putting on the "velvet glove" suggests the use of gentle but effective persuasion. The glove is the depiction of the proverbial hand that indicates manipulation or active influence to a desired outcome; it being made of velvet encourages the perception of subtlety and deftness of such influence.

The full definition is opposed to the threatening coercion connotated by the opposite but more well known term "iron fist".
Hitler ran the Nazi machine with an iron fist, whereas leaders of today, in the interest of the press, handle almost all public matters with the velvet glove.
by gregsan January 6, 2009
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To emotionally manipulate another person to say things or perform actions beneficial to the manipulator that the victim, knowingly or inadvertently, would not have said or done otherwise.

Tools of emopulation include emotional blackmail, reverse psychology and other forms of unsavoury covert behaviour employed by persons of low ethical standards.
"Well, since you don't want to go out with me this weekend, I'll just shop alone. Don't worry, I'm okay with it."

"Don't emopulate me."
by gregsan October 9, 2011
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